Basic Independent Brooklyn School is not for those with a weak commitment to learning, for both the student and parent level. It's rigorous, but fun, with teachers who believe in and were experts in their subjects. There is no old guard at the school looking to protect a wealthy reputation, that usually means little when it comes to actually educating children. There is no indecisive administration either. This is not a school for parental influence on curriculum or workloads. They have a basis and it works. So, if you don't like it, then just go elsewhere. We found this school completely refreshing and valuable in a world so easily bent on not pushing kids and constantly questioning teachers. Honestly, our child learned more in a year than in three years in one of the highest ranked public schools in the city and now is two plus grade level advanced in Math and Reading. What an outstanding program this school has.
ParentFriday, January 17, 2020
This school is amazing! There is lots of work and support!!!
ParentThursday, July 11, 2019
Basic Independent Brooklyn School is not for those with a weak commitment to learning, for both the student and parent level. It's rigorous, but fun, with teachers who believe in and were experts in their subjects. There is no old guard at the school looking to protect a wealthy reputation, that usually means little when it comes to actually educating children. There is no indecisive administration either. This is not a school for parental influence on curriculum or workloads. They have a basis and it works. So, if you don't like it, then just go elsewhere. We found this school completely refreshing and valuable in a world so easily bent on not pushing kids and constantly questioning teachers. Honestly, our child learned more in a year than in three years in one of the highest ranked public schools in the city and now is two plus grade level advanced in Math and Reading. What an outstanding program this school has.
ParentSaturday, January 27, 2018
TeacherMonday, October 16, 2017
StudentSunday, September 24, 2017